15 Steps to Safe Online Shopping

With Cyber Week in full flow, Sandyford Business District is highlighting 15 steps to help you shop safely online. With ever greater numbers of people moving online for their purchases, so too are cybercriminals who are more motivated to take advantage of people purchasing through the digital marketplace. Stay safe and follow the 15 steps below when shopping online.
1. Website URL address security: look for the https at the start of the URL and make sure the green bar and padlock are present in the browser bar
2. Wi-Fi security checklist: check you are connecting to the right network. Avoid making financial transactions on a public Wi-Fi, use a password protected network.
3. Avoid unsolicited emails. Links and files in unknown emails could be a scam and hold viruses or take you to fake sites to collect your personal or financial details.
4. Use mobile banking online. Check your statements regularly or get mobile alerts for your bank account.
5. Always log out after an online transaction instead of closing down the browser.
6. Security software is essential. Parents can use age-appropriate filters to monitor and block online activities. Update regularly.
7. Beware of fraud. Report any suspicious activity to your local Garda station as well as your bank.
8. Social Networks are increasingly used by fraudsters. Watch out for things like fake friend requests and YouTube links containing malware.
9. Know your online consumer rights – visit sites like Citizens Information and ccpc.ie for more information.
10. Be cautious when purchasing tickets. In the UK, 1 in 10 ticket buyers have purchased fakes.
11. Read terms and conditions before agreeing to purchase. Accepting is entering a legally binding agreement.
12. The Consumer Rights Directive applies to online sales within the EU.
13. Use a secure payment site, such as PayPal, unless you know who you are paying money to.
14. Ensure you know who you are buying from.
15. Register your credit card with Verified by Visa, Mastercard Secure or American Express SafeKey for added security.